0 CIT-SSG Law No. 0001

Below is the copy of the just-recently passed CIT-SSG Law No. 0001 for the appropriations of the upcoming activies for the 1st Semester:

Visit http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgd3bqtx_36fk68dhhq

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0 CIT-SSG lines up activities for the Color's Days

We in the CIT-SSG have already lined-up the school activities that we will be organizing during the 63rd Color's Days for all the Technologians.

The Executive Branch of the CIT-SSG will be spearheading the CIT-SSG Band Concert. Although, there will be a change of format for this year's event. Instead of several bands playing, the CIT-SSG is trying it best to make it possible to have 1 Popular Band that will do the show and a few local bands. But as of now, this still remains a plan.

The Inter-Org Booth Festival will be handled by the Committee on Extra-Curricular Activities headed by Hon. Charlie Rivamonte. It will be held at the CIT High School Parking Lot this August 25-29, 2009. The opening ceremonies will be held at 1 PM on the first day of the event. Although the event was supposedly open for both recognized and unrecognized organizations inside the campus, Student Affairs Office Head Elsa J. Miral advised the CIT-SSG to only allow the recognized organizations.

The Committee on Rules and Regulations headed by Hon. Mel Cary Mula will be tasked to organize the General Information Quiz at the CIT Auditorium this August 26, 2009 from 1-5 PM. The contestants will be coming from each college.

The Technologian Pop and Dance Idol 2009 will be held at the CIT Gymnasium this August 26, 2009 from 5-9 PM and is under the supervision of the Committee on Public Relations, headed by Hon. Michael Vincent Paña. Auditions for this event is still to be scheduled.

The Amazing Race 2009, as tasked to the Committee on Grievances and Concerns headed by Hon. Hannah Kristin Gitgano, will be this August 28, 2009. Auditions for this event is still to be scheduled.

A new event that the CIT-SSG will be doing is the Bonggang Picture Art Contest, handled by the Committee on Research and Documentation headed by Hon. Charisma Gicale. The contest proper will be this August 20, 2009 from 9-11 AM at the CIT Library Back Lobby. On August 26, 2009, there will be an exhibit of the entries at the CIT Library Entrance.

For more details, please visit the CIT-SSG Office at the 2nd Floor of the CIT Main Building.
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0 CIT-SSG Photos

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0 Secretary General Kevin Ray N. Chua

Kevin Ray N. Chua is the Executive Secretary General of the Cebu Institute of Technology - Supreme Student Government for S.Y. 2009-2010.

Born on July 7, 1990 and from Tisa, Cebu City, he is a BSIT-3 student, a former Information Technology Representative and former Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the CIT-SSG S.Y. 2008-2009.

He was appointed by President Billy Jee V. Belenson as Executive Secretary General on July 25, 2009. He was also the former Campaign Manager for the CIT-SAVE Party.

Contact the Executive Secretary General at kevinraychua@gmail.com.
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0 Vice President Bryan P. Merino

Bryan P. Merino is the Vice President of the Cebu Institute of Technology - Supreme Student Government for S.Y. 2009-2010.

Born on July 6, 1988 and from Pardo, Cebu City, he is a BSCE-5 student, a former Civil Engineering Representative and former member of the Grievances and Concerns Committee of the CIT-SSG S.Y. 2008-2009.

He chose to run for CIT-SSG Vice President rather that for re-election as Civil Engineering Representative because he "need another outlet and a set of people." He believes that he has already served well his fellow CE constituents and he wants to "serve more people" and "do more" for his fellow Technologians.

He has also been thankful of the CIT-SSG for opening "a lot of opportunities" and meeting "different students of different colleges and schools." He has realized that as a student, "studying alone is not enough", but you also need to serve your fellow students as well and CIT-SSG is one of those fields.

Merino assured that he will "support the President's good ideas and initiate plans" to be an "effective and efficient leader." One of his plans as Vice President will be organizing a LAN Games Tournament in the school as suggested by his constituents.

He was elected as Vice President of the CIT-SSG on July 22, 2009, and sworn in on July 25, 2009.

Contact the Vice President at bryan_merinos@yahoo.com.
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0 President Billy Jee V. Belenson

Billy Jee V. Belenson is the President of the Cebu Institute of Technology - Supreme Student Government for S.Y. 2009-2010.

Born on September 26, 1989 and from Albuera, Leyte, he is a BSEE-5 student and a former President of the Council of Leaders (COL) S.Y. 2008-2009, an organization created by the CIT-SSG in order to amalgamate the ideas and concerns of campus organizations.

He ran for CIT-SSG President "purely of service" to the Technologians and he wants to extend his passion of service to them. He chose not to run for Electrical Engineering Representative during the last elections because he saw "a better opportunity" and a "wider scope" of service by being a CIT-SSG President. It was his first time to be running for an elective position in the CIT-SSG as he was only elected by heads of campus organizations as COL President and not by the whole studentry.

As COL President, which also becomes an automatic member of the CIT-SSG and reports to the body every sessions about their activities, he is thankful that being a part of CIT-SSG has made him "more flexible, more strong, improved my public speaking and overcome my stage fright."

He promises to have a "more active CIT-SSG" and "more pro-student agenda." He vowed to "fight for what is right" both for the Technologians and of the CIT Administration, thus seeking a common ground despite the differences of the two sides.

He was elected as President of the CIT-SSG on July 22, 2009, and sworn in on July 25, 2009.

Contact the President at belensonbillyjee@yahoo.com.
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4 CIT-SSG Legislative Officers for 2009-2010


House Speaker: Hon. Lordwin Dejaño
Speaker Protempore: Hon. Yra May Talaba
Legislative Secretary: Hon. Ronnell Padillo

Chairman: Hon. Michael Vincent Paña
1. Hon. Jay Ann Clamohoy
2. Hon. Reina Vita Labang
3. Hon. Angelie Deguerro
4. Hon. Joseph Francis Parangan
5. Hon. Dexter Dungog
6. Hon. Michelle Ann Ruiz
7. Hon. John Philip Sabitsana

Chairman: Hon. Charlie Rivamonte
1. Hon. Lennie Salas
2. Hon. Vernaliza Labisig
3. Hon. Eufe Angelica Atil
4. Hon. Federico Coprada
5. Hon. Marichu Bentazal
6. Hon. Nieza Chaves
7. Hon. Margaret Johanna Alegado

Chairwoman: Hon. Charisma Gicale
1. Hon. Federico Miguel Monte
2. Hon. Queenie Caser Ferrolino
3. Hon. Faith Tanjay
4. Hon. Jerald Paulo
5. Hon. Rejoice Joice Morales
6. Hon. Vanessa Richie Alia

Chairwoman: Hon. Hannah Kristin Gitgano
1. Hon. Rogesa Marie Taboada
2. Hon. Zyra Denice Rago
3. Hon. Menchie Macomis
4. Hon. Philip Troy Matas
5. Hon. Citrex Ypanto
6. Hon. Emilio Jurani

Chairman: Hon. Mel Cary Mula
1. Hon. Liezl Sungahid
2. Hon. Louella Katrina Labrado
3. Hon. Jan Michael Empinado
4. Hon. Marry-Ann Maurin
5. Hon. Carly Simon Conocono

Chairwoman: Hon. Kristel Mae Marfa
1. Hon. Jessica Gingoyon
2. Hon. Rodel Talaba

Chairwoman: Hon. Rejoice Joice Morales
1. Hon. Louella Katrina Labrado
2. Hon. Faith Tanjay
3. Hon. Reina Vita Labang
4. Hon. Liezl Sungahid
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0 CIT-SSG Executive Officers for 2009-2010

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (As of August 11, 2009)

President: Billy Jee Belenson
Vice President: Bryan Merino
Secretary General: Kevin Ray Chua

Treasurer General: Jolo Abella
Press Secretary: Kim Honoridez

Solicitor General: Marbelyn Bastatas
  • Member: Celso Sullano
  • Member: Julimat Navares
Commission on Audit Head: Regine Yocte
  • Member: Marie Loren Umali
  • Member: Kathylene Barili
Commission on External Affairs Head: BJ Peter Iligan
  • Member: Stephanie Rose Getes
Commission on Internal Affairs Head: Brian Lapinid
  • Member: Yena Viovicente
Commision on Environmental Concerns Head: Rahima Hamis
  • Member: Winston Tabar
  • Member: Darla Loyloy
  • Member: Jose Niño Ricaplaza
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0 CIT-SSG goes online!

Welcome everyone! Kevin Ray N. Chua here, Secretary-General of the Cebu Institute of Technology - Supreme Student Government (CIT-SSG) for S.Y. 2009-2010. In line with our commitment to extend our reach to the online community, under the leadership of President Billy Jee V. Belenson and Vice President Bryan P. Merino, this will be the official blog of the CIT-SSG.

We expect your positive response on this one. As we anticipate the increase number of Technologians online, we have also put up our official Facebook fan page in order to keep in touch with the thoughts of the Technologians.

In the weeks to come, this site shall be fully-operational and will keep you updated about our activities for the welfare of our constituents, the Technologians
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