Vice President Bryan P. Merino

Bryan P. Merino is the Vice President of the Cebu Institute of Technology - Supreme Student Government for S.Y. 2009-2010.

Born on July 6, 1988 and from Pardo, Cebu City, he is a BSCE-5 student, a former Civil Engineering Representative and former member of the Grievances and Concerns Committee of the CIT-SSG S.Y. 2008-2009.

He chose to run for CIT-SSG Vice President rather that for re-election as Civil Engineering Representative because he "need another outlet and a set of people." He believes that he has already served well his fellow CE constituents and he wants to "serve more people" and "do more" for his fellow Technologians.

He has also been thankful of the CIT-SSG for opening "a lot of opportunities" and meeting "different students of different colleges and schools." He has realized that as a student, "studying alone is not enough", but you also need to serve your fellow students as well and CIT-SSG is one of those fields.

Merino assured that he will "support the President's good ideas and initiate plans" to be an "effective and efficient leader." One of his plans as Vice President will be organizing a LAN Games Tournament in the school as suggested by his constituents.

He was elected as Vice President of the CIT-SSG on July 22, 2009, and sworn in on July 25, 2009.

Contact the Vice President at

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